Monday, June 3, 2019

Causal Information as Reward for Children

Causal Information as Reward for ChildrenLoredana LenghelLife-span Developmental Psychology1. Details of the appli notifyt Loredana Lenghel2. Title of the project Keeping Children Eng epochd Causal Information as Reward3. Summary of the proposed researchThis story proposes research on the effects of causal discipline as punish on the internal penury of children. Causal culture has been shown to keep an eye on task engagement in children better than tangible rewards because it touches childrens innate absorb in the world. A repeated measures experimental design with children aged 8 to 10 will be used to establish if indeed the inbred penury of children is non undermined by causal randomness as reward. The results have implications in aras such as education and learning.4. Keywords subjective demand, causal information, reward, education5a. Research resultMotivation to fulfill personal needs is what drives people to act. Being defined as the reasons underlying behavio r (Guay et al., 2010, p. 712), it is understandable why it is important to establish the construct blocks of penury and how these fuck be manipulated in order to preserve peoples sense of fulfillment. Motivation has been a topic widely investigated within the companionable sciences, there being several theories that attempt to explain this process. The most common distinction encountered in the literature is between intrinsic and outside motivation (Ryan Deci, 2000). constitutional motivation is seen as inherently volitional it is the force that drives actions and sustains activities repayable to personal desires as it is associated to personal enjoyment, interest, pleasure or high engagement. In contrast, extrinsic motivation is seen as governed by reinforcement factors this type of motivation implies doing activities due to reasons that are external to the task, such as receiving a reward (Lai, 2011).The differences between these types of motivations foot be associated wi th the quality of task outcomes. For instance, task outcomes such as spelling, writing or vocabulary development represent only a narrow range in which the relevance of these motivation forms jakes be observed. Thus, an important area where intrinsic versus extrinsic motivation needs to be taken into account is education and learning. The relevance and importance of this proposed study can be understood when looking at how childrens motivation develops. Research on childrens intrinsic motivation shows that it is not a stable construct. Intrinsic motivation tends to reduction with age, ninth graders exhibiting less motivation than third graders (Lepper, Sethi, Dialdin, Drake, 1997) (Lai, 2011). However, some evidence shows that after the age of 15, there is once more an increase in this type of motivation (Gillet, Vallerand, Lafreniere, 2012). One study argues that academic intrinsic motivation stabilizes as unrivaled advances in age. They found that between the ages of 9 and 1 7, motivation can be seen as having cumulative effects. Information about motivation at one age can be used to portend further motivation. Moreover, they argued that academic motivation is relevant for the school curriculum, showing a decline for sciences and reading. Another point touched upon was that children with low motivation at the lineage of schooling are at risk and lack future interest in learning (Gottfried, Fleming, Gottfried, 2001). What is more, studies suggest that out front starting school, children are generally per se motivated, eager and excited about learning. This effect then diminishes and some children show reluctance towards studying. This is why having an efficient method to nurture childrens motivation can have a positive effect on their future motivation. It also shows that a method is necessary to help maintain academic interest in subjects for which childrens intrinsic motivation to learn declines.Notwithstanding these findings, society has taken a problematic approach to maintaining childrens motivation. Several studies have shown that rewarding soulfulness for doing a certain task can diminish their intrinsic motivation. (Lai, 2011) (Hagger Chatzisarantis, 2011) (Lepper, Sethi, Dialdin, Drake, 1997). Deci et al. (2001) have investigated the effect of different kinds of rewards on the motivation of children. They argue that rewards are composed of dickens aspects the informational and the cookling aspects. The informational aspect of a reward conveys self- secured competence and can enhance intrinsic motivation whereas the visualiseling aspect is what determines the external perception of locus of control and can decrease intrinsic motivation. The authors looked at communicatory and tangible rewards to establish which one is more likely to be seen as informational or controlling. Their results showed that tangible, task-contingent rewards undermined the intrinsic motivation of children. Verbal rewards, on the other han d, increased intrinsic motivation and were more likely to be seen as informational. Another important result of this study showed that whereas verbal rewards are beneficial for college students, they have a lower effect on children. However, the undermining of intrinsic motivation by tangible rewards was more accentuated in children than in students. This shows that children are more sensitive to extrinsic rewards and that measures to resolve the issue of intrinsic motivation decrease caused by extrinsic rewards need to be taken.Childrens inherent rareness and interest in the surrounding world also plays a business office in the development of motivation. Constructivist theorists argued that children are active builders of knowledge little scientists who are perpetually creating and testing their own theories of the world (Ravitch, 2001, p.442). In their study, Deci et al. (2001) also investigated childrens interest and discovered that offering verbal rewards results in enhanced self-reports of interest, whereas all tangible rewards resulted in lower interest. Chen and Xiang (2005) studied the interaction effect between intrinsic motivators and extrinsic rewards on behaviors. They argued that interest is a construct embedded in intrinsic motivation and that it is the most important predictor of future motivation for engaging in an activity. Their study showed that activities based on interest could have a stronger and extend effect in a learning situation. Embedded in this idea, studies have tried to investigate whether childrens curiosity could be utilized as a way to reinforce their learning. It has been showed that children understand and are interested in causal information and derive satisfaction from answering with causal factors (Lai, 2011). A recent study (Alvarez Booth, 2014) utilized childrens interest in the world to establish whether it can be used as reward for task engagement. They used causal information to reward children for engaging in a boring activity and discovered that youngsters showed more engagement when presented with strong causal information than when rewarded with something tangible.This body of literature offers the foundations for the investigation of the effect of causal information as reward on intrinsic motivation, which is the aim of the current study. Causal information as reward is fundamentally an extrinsic factor that can be used to motivate children however, because it touches upon childrens inherent curiosity and can be seen as having an informational aspect, its effect should not be as detrimental. If this type of information increases task persistence, childrens engagement could increase as well, promoting better learning. Thus, the key objective of this study is to establish whether causal information as reward undermines intrinsic motivation in children between the ages of 8 and 10. It is hypothesized that children who will be rewarded with causal information will not show a decrease in their intrinsic motivation, as opposed to the children who will receive tangible rewards.The innovative aspect of the study is to be found in the manner it uses former research which found that causal information engages children just as much as tangible rewards and tries to determine its effect on intrinsic motivation. There is no prior research that has taken this approach, making it the first study that might offer some insight into this issue. This insight could bring about numerous implications for childrens education and learning. Moreover, further research in this area could investigate the method in which the presentation of causally rich information could increase learning. One chemical mechanism that we propose to play a role in this process is that of attention. Catching childrens attention with causal information that appeals to their interest can result in more task engagement and thus an increase in their learning process.5b. ApproachIn order to establish the effect of causal information as reward on the intrinsic motivation of children, a repeated measures experimental design will be used. Based on the discussed literature, it is hypothesized that offering children causal information as reward will not undermine their intrinsic motivation.The experiment will consist of 120 children aged 8 to 10 doing a boring, crying task. Local schools will be contacted in order to gather the necessary participants. The age range was chosen because it represents the ages at which children in most countries are already in school1 and poses some basic educational knowledge, such as counting or writing. Moreover, the previously mentioned studies showed that the intrinsic motivation of children tends to decrease with the advancement in age (Lepper, Sethi, Dialdin, Drake, 1997) (Lai, 2011). A boring, repetitive task of moderate difficulty is likely to keep children somewhat engaged while not making them abandon the task due to its difficulty. The task will be div ided into trials and will consist of children counting how many animals of a certain type appear on a screen. subsequently each trial, they will be rewarded according to the group they are in. Each child is required to do 10 trials. To compare the intrinsic motivation of children, one-third different groups will be made each group having a minimum of 40 participants. The first group will receive as reward causal information about the animal they were required to count. The second group of children will receive a tangible reward in order to determine whether there is a significant difference between tangible and causal information as rewards. A third group will be the control group, not receiving anything for doing the tasks thus being used as a base category to which the other two will be compared. Therefore, the type of reward will constitute the independent variable (IV) of the study. The three different groups will represent the three levels of the ID.In order to establish the intrinsic motivation of children, measurement of it will be done before and after the tasks. Intrinsic motivation will be measured by offering them the chance to do the task before and after the study. In the before and after measurements of intrinsic motivation, the free choice (Thakor, 1994) measure combined with a self-report questionnaire will be used. The children will be told they can do the task for as long as they want, without receiving any rewards. The time spent on the task will be indicative of their intrinsic motivation because it is assumed that their engagement with the task comes from personal interest, as no other reinforcements are offered.If there is no difference in the group receiving causal information as reward in the before and after measurement of intrinsic motivation, it would show that this type of reward has no effect on the intrinsic motivation of children. A self-report questionnaire will be used alongside the free choice method to strengthen the measur ements. The questionnaire will consist of items which measure interest, enjoyment and attention nonrecreational to the task. The answer categories will be based on an enjoyment scale that will show smileys depicting faces from sad to happy and organized on a 5-point Likert scale. This method intends to make the self-report of children more suitable for their understanding. The measurement of intrinsic motivation will constitute the dependent variable of the study.The innovative aspect of this methodology can be seen in the combination of self-report questionnaires and the previously used method of measuring intrinsic motivation, namely the free choice method. Moreover, the self-report method has been designed with the intention to urge childrens understanding of the answers they choose. One valuable addition to this method needs to be mentioned. When assessing the intrinsic motivation of children, problems with the accuracy of responses might be encountered even though measures to control for this issue have been taken. It is not guaranteed that children are able to provide unbiased assessments of their interests or motives. However, a more clear image of the results will be gather in this way rather than utilizing only the free choice method, as done in previous research.5c. Word count (sections 5a-5b)5d. Time political programThe timetable proposed for this research project is divided according to the tasks needed to be accomplished. First, two weeks are dedicated to the writing of the introduction and determining an exact research design. Next, one month is needed to conduct the experiment, which entails finding enough participants and the actual experimental sessions. Another month would be required for the coding, analysis and reporting of data. A last week would be dedicated to finalize the research report. Thus, the total time required to for this research amounts to two months and three weeks.5f. Social significance (max. 200 words)It is very much said that children are the future of society. They are the ones that will take oven when the current generations fade away. It is important, thus, to provide them with all the resources and quality care available. Motivation plays an important role in the shaping of individuals and as it has been shows, motivation is not a fixed concept. Discovering methods in which we can shape the motivation of children in such way that they maintain their innate excitement and curiosity towards learning and knowledge has major implications for their development. A generation of people who retained an intrinsic motivation as the one of children can give rise to a great number or innovations and societal improvement, bringing about higher life satisfaction (Martin-Albo, Nunez, Domingues, 2012).5g. Literature referencesWorks CitedAlvarez, A., Booth, A. (2014). move by Meaning Testing the effect of Knowledge-Infused Rewards on Preschoolers Persistence. Child Development, 783-791.Deci, E., Koestne r, R., Ryan, R. (2001). Extrinsic Rewards and Intrinsic Motivation in Education Reconsidered Once Again. Review of educational Research, 1-27.Gillet, N., Vallerand, R., Lafreniere, M.-A. (2012). 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